1. BrowserConfig – Controlling the Browser

BrowserConfig focuses on how the browser is launched and behaves. This includes headless mode, proxies, user agents, and other environment tweaks.

from crawl4ai import AsyncWebCrawler, BrowserConfig

browser_cfg = BrowserConfig(
    user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 Chrome/ Safari/537.36",

1.1 Parameter Highlights

Parameter Type / Default What It Does
browser_type "chromium", "firefox", "webkit"
(default: "chromium")
Which browser engine to use. "chromium" is typical for many sites, "firefox" or "webkit" for specialized tests.
headless bool (default: True) Headless means no visible UI. False is handy for debugging.
viewport_width int (default: 1080) Initial page width (in px). Useful for testing responsive layouts.
viewport_height int (default: 600) Initial page height (in px).
proxy str (default: None) Single-proxy URL if you want all traffic to go through it, e.g. "http://user:pass@proxy:8080".
proxy_config dict (default: None) For advanced or multi-proxy needs, specify details like {"server": "...", "username": "...", ...}.
use_persistent_context bool (default: False) If True, uses a persistent browser context (keep cookies, sessions across runs). Also sets use_managed_browser=True.
user_data_dir str or None (default: None) Directory to store user data (profiles, cookies). Must be set if you want permanent sessions.
ignore_https_errors bool (default: True) If True, continues despite invalid certificates (common in dev/staging).
java_script_enabled bool (default: True) Disable if you want no JS overhead, or if only static content is needed.
cookies list (default: []) Pre-set cookies, each a dict like {"name": "session", "value": "...", "url": "..."}.
headers dict (default: {}) Extra HTTP headers for every request, e.g. {"Accept-Language": "en-US"}.
user_agent str (default: Chrome-based UA) Your custom or random user agent. user_agent_mode="random" can shuffle it.
light_mode bool (default: False) Disables some background features for performance gains.
text_mode bool (default: False) If True, tries to disable images/other heavy content for speed.
use_managed_browser bool (default: False) For advanced “managed” interactions (debugging, CDP usage). Typically set automatically if persistent context is on.
extra_args list (default: []) Additional flags for the underlying browser process, e.g. ["--disable-extensions"].

Tips: - Set headless=False to visually debug how pages load or how interactions proceed.
- If you need authentication storage or repeated sessions, consider use_persistent_context=True and specify user_data_dir.
- For large pages, you might need a bigger viewport_width and viewport_height to handle dynamic content.

2. CrawlerRunConfig – Controlling Each Crawl

While BrowserConfig sets up the environment, CrawlerRunConfig details how each crawl operation should behave: caching, content filtering, link or domain blocking, timeouts, JavaScript code, etc.

from crawl4ai import AsyncWebCrawler, CrawlerRunConfig

run_cfg = CrawlerRunConfig(
    excluded_tags=["nav", "footer"],
    stream=True,  # Enable streaming for arun_many()

2.1 Parameter Highlights

We group them by category.

A) Content Processing

Parameter Type / Default What It Does
word_count_threshold int (default: ~200) Skips text blocks below X words. Helps ignore trivial sections.
extraction_strategy ExtractionStrategy (default: None) If set, extracts structured data (CSS-based, LLM-based, etc.).
markdown_generator MarkdownGenerationStrategy (None) If you want specialized markdown output (citations, filtering, chunking, etc.).
content_filter RelevantContentFilter (None) Filters out irrelevant text blocks. E.g., PruningContentFilter or BM25ContentFilter.
css_selector str (None) Retains only the part of the page matching this selector.
excluded_tags list (None) Removes entire tags (e.g. ["script", "style"]).
excluded_selector str (None) Like css_selector but to exclude. E.g. "#ads, .tracker".
only_text bool (False) If True, tries to extract text-only content.
prettiify bool (False) If True, beautifies final HTML (slower, purely cosmetic).
keep_data_attributes bool (False) If True, preserve data-* attributes in cleaned HTML.
remove_forms bool (False) If True, remove all <form> elements.

B) Caching & Session

Parameter Type / Default What It Does
cache_mode CacheMode or None Controls how caching is handled (ENABLED, BYPASS, DISABLED, etc.). If None, typically defaults to ENABLED.
session_id str or None Assign a unique ID to reuse a single browser session across multiple arun() calls.
bypass_cache bool (False) If True, acts like CacheMode.BYPASS.
disable_cache bool (False) If True, acts like CacheMode.DISABLED.
no_cache_read bool (False) If True, acts like CacheMode.WRITE_ONLY (writes cache but never reads).
no_cache_write bool (False) If True, acts like CacheMode.READ_ONLY (reads cache but never writes).

Use these for controlling whether you read or write from a local content cache. Handy for large batch crawls or repeated site visits.

C) Page Navigation & Timing

Parameter Type / Default What It Does
wait_until str (domcontentloaded) Condition for navigation to “complete”. Often "networkidle" or "domcontentloaded".
page_timeout int (60000 ms) Timeout for page navigation or JS steps. Increase for slow sites.
wait_for str or None Wait for a CSS ("css:selector") or JS ("js:() => bool") condition before content extraction.
wait_for_images bool (False) Wait for images to load before finishing. Slows down if you only want text.
delay_before_return_html float (0.1) Additional pause (seconds) before final HTML is captured. Good for last-second updates.
check_robots_txt bool (False) Whether to check and respect robots.txt rules before crawling. If True, caches robots.txt for efficiency.
mean_delay and max_range float (0.1, 0.3) If you call arun_many(), these define random delay intervals between crawls, helping avoid detection or rate limits.
semaphore_count int (5) Max concurrency for arun_many(). Increase if you have resources for parallel crawls.

D) Page Interaction

Parameter Type / Default What It Does
js_code str or list[str] (None) JavaScript to run after load. E.g. "document.querySelector('button')?.click();".
js_only bool (False) If True, indicates we’re reusing an existing session and only applying JS. No full reload.
ignore_body_visibility bool (True) Skip checking if <body> is visible. Usually best to keep True.
scan_full_page bool (False) If True, auto-scroll the page to load dynamic content (infinite scroll).
scroll_delay float (0.2) Delay between scroll steps if scan_full_page=True.
process_iframes bool (False) Inlines iframe content for single-page extraction.
remove_overlay_elements bool (False) Removes potential modals/popups blocking the main content.
simulate_user bool (False) Simulate user interactions (mouse movements) to avoid bot detection.
override_navigator bool (False) Override navigator properties in JS for stealth.
magic bool (False) Automatic handling of popups/consent banners. Experimental.
adjust_viewport_to_content bool (False) Resizes viewport to match page content height.

If your page is a single-page app with repeated JS updates, set js_only=True in subsequent calls, plus a session_id for reusing the same tab.

E) Media Handling

Parameter Type / Default What It Does
screenshot bool (False) Capture a screenshot (base64) in result.screenshot.
screenshot_wait_for float or None Extra wait time before the screenshot.
screenshot_height_threshold int (~20000) If the page is taller than this, alternate screenshot strategies are used.
pdf bool (False) If True, returns a PDF in result.pdf.
image_description_min_word_threshold int (~50) Minimum words for an image’s alt text or description to be considered valid.
image_score_threshold int (~3) Filter out low-scoring images. The crawler scores images by relevance (size, context, etc.).
exclude_external_images bool (False) Exclude images from other domains.

F) Link/Domain Handling

Parameter Type / Default What It Does
exclude_social_media_domains list (e.g. Facebook/Twitter) A default list can be extended. Any link to these domains is removed from final output.
exclude_external_links bool (False) Removes all links pointing outside the current domain.
exclude_social_media_links bool (False) Strips links specifically to social sites (like Facebook or Twitter).
exclude_domains list ([]) Provide a custom list of domains to exclude (like ["ads.com", "trackers.io"]).

Use these for link-level content filtering (often to keep crawls “internal” or to remove spammy domains).

G) Rate Limiting & Resource Management

Parameter Type / Default What It Does
enable_rate_limiting bool (default: False) Enable intelligent rate limiting for multiple URLs
rate_limit_config RateLimitConfig (default: None) Configuration for rate limiting behavior

The RateLimitConfig class has these fields:

Field Type / Default What It Does
base_delay Tuple[float, float] (1.0, 3.0) Random delay range between requests to the same domain
max_delay float (60.0) Maximum delay after rate limit detection
max_retries int (3) Number of retries before giving up on rate-limited requests
rate_limit_codes List[int] ([429, 503]) HTTP status codes that trigger rate limiting behavior
Parameter Type / Default What It Does
memory_threshold_percent float (70.0) Maximum memory usage before pausing new crawls
check_interval float (1.0) How often to check system resources (in seconds)
max_session_permit int (20) Maximum number of concurrent crawl sessions
display_mode str (None, "DETAILED", "AGGREGATED") How to display progress information

H) Debug & Logging

Parameter Type / Default What It Does
verbose bool (True) Prints logs detailing each step of crawling, interactions, or errors.
log_console bool (False) Logs the page’s JavaScript console output if you want deeper JS debugging.

2.2 Helper Methods

Both BrowserConfig and CrawlerRunConfig provide a clone() method to create modified copies:

# Create a base configuration
base_config = CrawlerRunConfig(

# Create variations using clone()
stream_config = base_config.clone(stream=True)
no_cache_config = base_config.clone(

The clone() method is particularly useful when you need slightly different configurations for different use cases, without modifying the original config.

2.3 Example Usage

import asyncio
from crawl4ai import AsyncWebCrawler, BrowserConfig, CrawlerRunConfig, CacheMode, RateLimitConfig

async def main():
    # Configure the browser
    browser_cfg = BrowserConfig(

    # Configure the run
    run_cfg = CrawlerRunConfig(
        excluded_tags=["script", "style"],
            base_delay=(1.0, 3.0),
            rate_limit_codes=[429, 503]

    async with AsyncWebCrawler(config=browser_cfg) as crawler:
        result = await crawler.arun(
        if result.success:
            print("Final cleaned_html length:", len(result.cleaned_html))
            if result.screenshot:
                print("Screenshot captured (base64, length):", len(result.screenshot))
            print("Crawl failed:", result.error_message)

if __name__ == "__main__":

## 2.4 Compliance & Ethics

| **Parameter**          | **Type / Default**      | **What It Does**                                                                                                    |
| **`check_robots_txt`**| `bool` (False)          | When True, checks and respects robots.txt rules before crawling. Uses efficient caching with SQLite backend.          |
| **`user_agent`**      | `str` (None)            | User agent string to identify your crawler. Used for robots.txt checking when enabled.                                |

run_config = CrawlerRunConfig(
    check_robots_txt=True,  # Enable robots.txt compliance
    user_agent="MyBot/1.0"  # Identify your crawler

3. Putting It All Together

  • Use BrowserConfig for global browser settings: engine, headless, proxy, user agent.
  • Use CrawlerRunConfig for each crawl’s context: how to filter content, handle caching, wait for dynamic elements, or run JS.
  • Pass both configs to AsyncWebCrawler (the BrowserConfig) and then to arun() (the CrawlerRunConfig).
# Create a modified copy with the clone() method
stream_cfg = run_cfg.clone(