
Welcome to the examples section of Crawl4AI documentation! In this section, you will find practical examples demonstrating how to use Crawl4AI for various web crawling and data extraction tasks. Each example is designed to showcase different features and capabilities of the library.

Examples Index

LLM Extraction

This example demonstrates how to use Crawl4AI to extract information using Large Language Models (LLMs). You will learn how to configure the LLMExtractionStrategy to get structured data from web pages.

JS Execution & CSS Filtering

Learn how to execute custom JavaScript code and filter data using CSS selectors. This example shows how to perform complex web interactions and extract specific content from web pages.

Hooks & Auth

This example covers the use of custom hooks for authentication and other pre-crawling tasks. You will see how to set up hooks to modify headers, authenticate sessions, and perform other preparatory actions before crawling.


Discover how to use Crawl4AI to summarize web page content. This example demonstrates the summarization capabilities of the library, helping you extract concise information from lengthy web pages.

Research Assistant

In this example, Crawl4AI is used as a research assistant to gather and organize information from multiple sources. You will learn how to use various extraction and chunking strategies to compile a comprehensive report.

Each example includes detailed explanations and code snippets to help you understand and implement the features in your projects. Click on the links to explore each example and start making the most of Crawl4AI!