Crawl Result

The CrawlResult class is the heart of Crawl4AI's output, encapsulating all the data extracted from a crawling session. This class contains various fields that store the results of the web crawling and extraction process. Let's break down each field and see what it holds. ๐ŸŽ‰

Class Definition

class CrawlResult(BaseModel):
    url: str
    html: str
    success: bool
    cleaned_html: Optional[str] = None
    media: Dict[str, List[Dict]] = {}
    links: Dict[str, List[Dict]] = {}
    screenshot: Optional[str] = None
    markdown: Optional[str] = None
    extracted_content: Optional[str] = None
    metadata: Optional[dict] = None
    error_message: Optional[str] = None

Fields Explanation

url: str

The URL that was crawled. This field simply stores the URL of the web page that was processed.

html: str

The raw HTML content of the web page. This is the unprocessed HTML source as retrieved by the crawler.

success: bool

A flag indicating whether the crawling and extraction were successful. If any error occurs during the process, this will be False.

cleaned_html: Optional[str]

The cleaned HTML content of the web page. This field holds the HTML after removing unwanted tags like <script>, <style>, and others that do not contribute to the useful content.

media: Dict[str, List[Dict]]

A dictionary containing lists of extracted media elements from the web page. The media elements are categorized into images, videos, and audios. Hereโ€™s how they are structured:

  • Images: Each image is represented as a dictionary with src (source URL) and alt (alternate text).
  • Videos: Each video is represented similarly with src and alt.
  • Audios: Each audio is represented with src and alt.
media = {
    'images': [
        {'src': 'image_url1', 'alt': 'description1', "type": "image"},
        {'src': 'image_url2', 'alt': 'description2', "type": "image"}
    'videos': [
        {'src': 'video_url1', 'alt': 'description1', "type": "video"}
    'audios': [
        {'src': 'audio_url1', 'alt': 'description1', "type": "audio"}

A dictionary containing lists of internal and external links extracted from the web page. Each link is represented as a dictionary with href (URL) and text (link text).

  • Internal Links: Links pointing to the same domain.
  • External Links: Links pointing to different domains.
links = {
    'internal': [
        {'href': 'internal_link1', 'text': 'link_text1'},
        {'href': 'internal_link2', 'text': 'link_text2'}
    'external': [
        {'href': 'external_link1', 'text': 'link_text1'}

screenshot: Optional[str]

A base64-encoded screenshot of the web page. This field stores the screenshot data if the crawling was configured to take a screenshot.

markdown: Optional[str]

The content of the web page converted to Markdown format. This is useful for generating clean, readable text that retains the structure of the original HTML.

extracted_content: Optional[str]

The content extracted based on the specified extraction strategy. This field holds the meaningful content blocks extracted from the web page, ready for your AI and data processing needs.

metadata: Optional[dict]

A dictionary containing metadata extracted from the web page, such as title, description, keywords, and other meta tags.

error_message: Optional[str]

If an error occurs during crawling, this field will contain the error message, helping you debug and understand what went wrong. ๐Ÿšจ

Example Usage

Here's a quick example to illustrate how you might use the CrawlResult in your code:

from crawl4ai import WebCrawler

# Create the WebCrawler instance
crawler = WebCrawler()

# Run the crawler on a URL
result ="")

# Check if the crawl was successful
if result.success:
    print("Crawl succeeded!")
    print("URL:", result.url)
    print("HTML:", result.html[:100])  # Print the first 100 characters of the HTML
    print("Cleaned HTML:", result.cleaned_html[:100])
    print("Links:", result.links)
    print("Screenshot:", result.screenshot)
    print("Markdown:", result.markdown[:100])
    print("Extracted Content:", result.extracted_content)
    print("Metadata:", result.metadata)
    print("Crawl failed with error:", result.error_message)

With this setup, you can easily access all the valuable data extracted from the web page and integrate it into your applications. Happy crawling! ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ๐Ÿค–