Extraction Strategies 🧠

Crawl4AI offers powerful extraction strategies to derive meaningful information from web content. Let's dive into two of the most important strategies: CosineStrategy and LLMExtractionStrategy.


CosineStrategy uses hierarchical clustering based on cosine similarity to group text chunks into meaningful clusters. This method converts each chunk into its embedding and then clusters them to form semantical chunks.

When to Use

  • Ideal for fast, accurate semantic segmentation of text.
  • Perfect for scenarios where LLMs might be overkill or too slow.
  • Suitable for narrowing down content based on specific queries or keywords.


  • semantic_filter (str, optional): Keywords for filtering relevant documents before clustering. Documents are filtered based on their cosine similarity to the keyword filter embedding. Default is None.
  • word_count_threshold (int, optional): Minimum number of words per cluster. Default is 20.
  • max_dist (float, optional): Maximum cophenetic distance on the dendrogram to form clusters. Default is 0.2.
  • linkage_method (str, optional): Linkage method for hierarchical clustering. Default is 'ward'.
  • top_k (int, optional): Number of top categories to extract. Default is 3.
  • model_name (str, optional): Model name for embedding generation. Default is 'BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5'.


from crawl4ai.extraction_strategy import CosineStrategy
from crawl4ai import WebCrawler

crawler = WebCrawler()

# Define extraction strategy
strategy = CosineStrategy(
    semantic_filter="finance economy stock market",

# Sample URL
url = "https://www.nbcnews.com/business"

# Run the crawler with the extraction strategy
result = crawler.run(url=url, extraction_strategy=strategy)


LLMExtractionStrategy leverages a Language Model (LLM) to extract meaningful content from HTML. This strategy uses an external provider for LLM completions to perform extraction based on instructions.

When to Use

  • Suitable for complex extraction tasks requiring nuanced understanding.
  • Ideal for scenarios where detailed instructions can guide the extraction process.
  • Perfect for extracting specific types of information or content with precise guidelines.


  • provider (str, optional): Provider for language model completions (e.g., openai/gpt-4). Default is DEFAULT_PROVIDER.
  • api_token (str, optional): API token for the provider. If not provided, it will try to load from the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY.
  • instruction (str, optional): Instructions to guide the LLM on how to perform the extraction. Default is None.

Example Without Instructions

from crawl4ai.extraction_strategy import LLMExtractionStrategy
from crawl4ai import WebCrawler

crawler = WebCrawler()

# Define extraction strategy without instructions
strategy = LLMExtractionStrategy(

# Sample URL
url = "https://www.nbcnews.com/business"

# Run the crawler with the extraction strategy
result = crawler.run(url=url, extraction_strategy=strategy)

Example With Instructions

from crawl4ai.extraction_strategy import LLMExtractionStrategy
from crawl4ai import WebCrawler

crawler = WebCrawler()

# Define extraction strategy with instructions
strategy = LLMExtractionStrategy(
    instruction="Extract only financial news and summarize key points."

# Sample URL
url = "https://www.nbcnews.com/business"

# Run the crawler with the extraction strategy
result = crawler.run(url=url, extraction_strategy=strategy)

Use Cases for LLMExtractionStrategy

  • Extracting specific data types from structured or semi-structured content.
  • Generating summaries, extracting key information, or transforming content into different formats.
  • Performing detailed extractions based on custom instructions.

For more detailed examples, please refer to the Examples section of the documentation.

By choosing the right extraction strategy, you can effectively extract the most relevant and useful information from web content. Whether you need fast, accurate semantic segmentation with CosineStrategy or nuanced, instruction-based extraction with LLMExtractionStrategy, Crawl4AI has you covered. Happy extracting! 🕵️‍♂️✨